
how to get out of your own way and create an extraordinary life by simply being you.

“Before coaching I was overwhelmed and was over identifying with my anxiety. Working with Jamie at the root of my challenges has given me so much more confidence in myself, my business, and in my ability to handle all of life’s highs + lows. I’ve freed myself from other’s conceived expectations of me too…. I just feel free.’’

val c.


Hey, I’m Jamie…

And I ask the big questions.

My mission is to help people align their passion and purpose with their paycheck and every other area of their life. I could list all my credentials in this section, but what’s really important for you to know in this moment is that if you’ve been wanting a juicier, more abundant, and more fulfilling life, you are absolutely worthy of having it. All of it. I’m committed to helping you get out of your own way and create the career, relationship, community, and life you are the star of. I believe that when we do our inner work, take ownership of how we’re showing up in life, and start to take aligned action to make our dreams a reality, we give everyone else around us permission to be their full, authentically expressed selves too. Let’s be the change we wish to see in the world together. I’m so glad you are here and I’m excited to help you see your own brilliance and greatness. Let’s make your life your greatest achievement and masterpiece yet, my love. Be warned - working with me may cause some major miracles!

 Working with Jamie will equip you with a blend of spiritual and practical tools to help you creatively achieve your goals with authenticity, ease, and grace.

a coaching container with jamie will offer you:

clarity in what your purpose, vision, and values are that you want to align your life with for the next 6-12 months

a safe, confidential space to learn and integrate emotional and mental mastery tools to use and help you turn your life’s greatest challenges into artistry and opportunity

a holistic, inside-out approach to transformation where you are guided to use both energetic + strategic perspectives to breakthrough any blocks that come up

both a soft yet fiercely loving, no nonsense support system to help you reach your highest, fullest expression of self in every area of your life

Don’t wait another day to get the tools you need to activate your inner artist and start creating the life you know you’re meant for.

Brian tracy

‘‘Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do.’’

‘‘Working with jamie, I was constantly surrounded by love and support, while also being challenged to understand the blocks and to work with the blocks in order to achieve my goals. Jamie helped me to define my goals and set up the steps necessary to achieve them, while helping me to recognize when/how I was standing in my own way and then come up with a solution.’’

-Jamie L., Lawyer

 Let’s Get Started

BOOK a Clarity Call with Jamie to learn more